Picture of Author: Allen Kyi | Founder & Production Director at KKR

Author: Allen Kyi | Founder & Production Director at KKR

Hi, I'm Allen Kyi. Excited to explore solid surface products knowldge with you.

Customer Case 11 | Custom Pedestal Basin


01 Business Type

If you are in one of these business types, this case is for you:

  • Five-star hotels
  • High-end apartments
  • Luxury real estate developments

02 Project Overview

Client Country: Mauritius
Products: Custom Pedestal Basin
We received a sketch and design concept from our client and created an integrated 3D model to develop the finished product. This project involved creating a large, uniquely shaped pedestal basin that combines both the basin and countertop with a door-equipped pedestal.

03 Challenges

1. Combining Pedestal Basin and Countertop:

  • Challenge: Ensuring a seamless and stable integration of the pedestal basin with the countertop.
  • Solution: Collaborated with experts from both the bathroom and processing workshops to repeatedly discuss and refine the structure. The final solution involved molding the main parts separately and then bonding them together. The countertop was molded to fit the pedestal basin’s shape, with a drop-down edge, and reinforced with additional support underneath to ensure long-term stability.

2. Hidden Access for Drain Installation and Maintenance:

  • Challenge: The client required an access point for installing and maintaining the drain, which needed to be hidden from view.
  • Solution: Leveraging our extensive engineering experience, we first created the basin and then added a hidden maintenance door using a central structure with Velcro. This design allowed easy access while keeping the installation point out of sight.

04 Solutions

1. Collaborative Design Development:

Transformed the client’s sketch into detailed 3D models and production plans, ensuring all design elements were thoroughly defined and approved.

2. Advanced Fabrication Techniques:

Used precision molding and bonding techniques to create a seamless and structurally sound pedestal basin and countertop combination.

3. Comprehensive Client Support:

Provided detailed installation guides and ongoing support to ensure the final product met all client requirements.

05 Showcased Capabilities

  • Custom Fabrication: Demonstrated ability to create large, uniquely shaped pedestal basins with precise integration of components.
  • Technical Expertise: Showcased our ability to solve complex structural challenges and deliver a high-quality, durable product.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: Provided a full-service approach, from initial design to final installation, ensuring the client’s vision was fully realized.

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